Exercising Morning Benefits

Exercising has some great benefits in the morning. A recent study found that those who ran at night had lower blood glucose levels after a workout, possibly because their body wasn’t able to digest carbohydrates properly. Another reason is that they didn’t get enough sleep before exercise.

morning exercising

Through exercising in the morning, You’re not likely to Get Sick

If you aren’t sleeping well, your immune system isn’t working as efficiently as it should be. This means that you’ll probably catch more colds and other illnesses than someone who gets adequate rest. If you can improve your sleep habits through diet or medication, look into that first. But if not, try getting up even earlier for a few weeks. Your energy will increase, which will help make mornings less stressful.

You Might Lose Weight Faster

The same study that showed people who run late have higher post-workout blood sugar also found that those who ran in the early hours lost weight more quickly. It’s possible this is why: when you wake up, your metabolism kicks back on high alert, speeding up fat loss. When you go to bed later, your metabolic rate slows down, making it easier for fat cells to store extra calories. Not sure what time to get up? Check out the chart below to see the best times for burning fat and losing weight.

You Can Run Longer

With this you may know that going to bed late makes it harder to fall asleep, but did you know that it also makes it harder to get up?

You Will Have Better Focus

According to Harvard Medical School, getting seven or eight hours of sleep every night has been shown to improve concentration, memory recall, and reasoning skills. If you don’t feel like you’re getting enough sleep, try sticking with an alarm clock that lets you set it according to your own needs instead of following the traditional “rise and shine” schedule recommended by most doctors (which usually involves hitting snooze for a total of 10 minutes).

Handling Stress Better

In a 2009 study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, researchers discovered that rats that slept for just one hour a day were more sensitive to stress compared to rats who got six or seven hours’ worth of shut eye each night. In humans, lack of sleep can cause anxiety and depression. If you find yourself waking up feeling stressed, consider getting more sleep.

You Are Less Likely to Become Overweight

According to a 2007 article published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, people who exercised three nights a week tended to weigh less than those who worked out five nights a week. Why? Because those who trained frequently burned more calories during workouts—and therefore needed fewer calories throughout the day to maintain their weight.

You May Experience Greater Stamina

According to some studies, runners who train in the afternoon tend to experience greater muscle fatigue than those who work out in the morning. However, other research suggests that you should aim to train in the morning to avoid muscle soreness. So how do you decide? Experts say there are no hard and fast rules, but here’s what you need to think about:

You Will Feel Happier

It turns out that exercising regularly helps you sleep better at night, possibly because it reduces cortisol levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, if you want to boost your mood naturally, focus on exercise. Try taking a walk outside after dinner, or go dancing.

You Will See More Friends

When you’re tired, you might feel a little cranky, so it’s easy to stay home alone rather than brave the gym. But being around friends can actually make you happier, according to a 2010 study from the University of California at San Diego. Researchers asked volunteers to wear monitors to track their heart rates while they ate lunch with others or stayed isolated. They found that the participants who spent time with other people had lower blood pressure and felt


We’ve all heard the saying ‘the early bird gets the worm.’The same can be said about exercising. Well, maybe not always. In some instances, starting late might actually give you better results. For example, if you get up at am, you’ll have plenty of time to complete your daily tasks before heading off to work. Then again